Running Locally (quick start)#

Included is a test_project that you can use to kick the tires. Just create a new virtualenv, cd into test_project and run (or walk through the steps yourself) to get a test instance of the app up and running.

You can now navigate to and begin exploring!

Installing From Source#

If you are installing SQL Explorer from source (by cloning the repository), you may want to first look at simply running test_project/

If you want to install into an existing project, you can do so by following the install instructions, and then additionally building the front-end dependencies.

After cloning, simply run:

nvm install
nvm use
npm install
npm run build

The front-end assets will be built and placed in the /static/ folder and collected properly by your Django installation during the collect static phase. Copy the /explorer directory into site-packages and you’re ready to go.


Factory Boy is needed if you’d like to run the tests, which can you do easily:

python test --settings=tests.settings

and with coverage:

coverage run --source='.' test --settings=tests.settings coverage combine coverage report

Running Celery#

To run tests with Celery enabled, you will need to install Redis and Celery.

brew install redis
pip install celery
pip install redis

Then run the redis server and the celery worker. A good way of doing it is:

screen -d -S 'redis' -m redis-server
screen -d -S 'celery' -m celery -A test_project worker

Finally, set EXPLORER_TASKS_ENABLED to True in tests.settings and run the tests.