
Requires Python 3.6 or higher. Requires Django 2.2 or higher.

Set up a Django project with the following:

$ pip install django
$ django-admin startproject project

More information in the django tutorial.

Install with pip from pypi:

pip install django-sql-explorer

If you would also like to support downloading Excel files install with the dependency using:

pip install django-sql-explorer[xls]

Add to your INSTALLED_APPS, located in the file in your project folder:


Add the following to your (all Explorer URLs are restricted via the EXPLORER_PERMISSION_VIEW and EXPLORER_PERMISSION_CHANGE settings. See Settings section below for further documentation.):

from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [
    path('explorer/', include('explorer.urls')),

Configure your settings to something like:

EXPLORER_CONNECTIONS = { 'Default': 'readonly' }

The first setting lists the connections you want to allow Explorer to use. The keys of the connections dictionary are friendly names to show Explorer users, and the values are the actual database aliases used in settings.DATABASES. It is highly recommended to setup read-only roles in your database, add them in your project’s DATABASES setting and use these read-only cconnections in the EXPLORER_CONNECTIONS.

If you want to quickly use django-sql-explorer with the existing default connection and know what you are doing (or you are on development), you can use the following settings:

EXPLORER_CONNECTIONS = { 'Default': 'default' }

Finally, run migrate to create the tables:

python migrate

You can now browse to https://yoursite/explorer/ and get exploring!

There are a handful of features (snapshots, emailing queries) that rely on Celery and the dependencies in optional-requirements.txt. If you have Celery installed, set EXPLORER_TASKS_ENABLED=True in your to enable these features.